The task of the IEEE VIS Steering Committee (VSC) is to provide long-term scientific and organizational oversight of IEEE VIS. Its remit includes handling of all cross-year policy questions. The VSC should be consulted on key initiatives arising from the general chairs, the Visualization Executive Committee (VEC), and the community and should establish mechanisms for this communication. The VSC has 9 members, all serving 4-year terms. For more details on the VSC see the IEEE VIS Charter.
Current members of the VSC are:
Name | Affiliation |
Niklas Elmqvist | Aarhus University |
Jeffrey Heer | University of Washington |
Kwan-Liu Ma | University of California at Davis |
Miriah Meyer (co-chair) | Linköping University |
Michael Sedlmair | University of Stuttgart |
Jinwook Seo | Seoul National University |
Vidya Setlur (co-chair) | Tableau Research |
Anna Vilanova | Eindhoven University of Technology |
Xiaoru Yuan | Peking University |
VIS Executive and Steering Committee Elections
Each year the VIS community elects one new member each to the VEC and VSC. See the VIS Elections page for more details.